Rural Relocations for Remote Working

Remote working became a necessity in 2020 for many employees. As we emerged from the pandemic, this way of working became a permanent option for many people. Organisations are aware of the technological and wellbeing requirements of successful remote working. Experience during the last two years has shown that:

  • 90% of employers say that working remotely hasn’t hurt productivity.
  • 64% of professionals expect remote working to become standard.
  • 70% of the workforce is expected to be working remotely by 2025.

Remote working has offered business benefits to both organisations (lower costs, greater flexibility) and employees (work-life balance, minimal travel time and cost). It has also created an interesting dimension to international global mobility … the increase in popularity of rural locations. With sufficient connectivity (especially for online meetings) a rural lifestyle is now an option for assignees to consider when relocating to a remote working role in a new country.

Gallup research shows that the number of people who would prefer to relocate to a small town or rural area rose from 39% in 2018 to 48% in 2022. Technology makes most locations a possibility, allowing for the ‘in person’ and technology requirements of the role involved.

Additional Relocation Incentives

Some countries have increased their appeal by offering relocation incentives. The World Economic Forum reports on countries which are paying people to relocate to the countryside. These include:

  • Australia – financial assistance is available when relocating to certain regional areas.
  • Ireland – the Irish government’s Rural Future policy includes grants and incentives to bring workers to rural areas. There are also plans to create 400 remote working hubs with high-speed internet access. This overcomes the connectivity problems traditionally associated with rural relocations.
  • Portugal – funding is available to workers moving to a rural area. The amount involved would cover the annual rent on a small house.
  • United States – Vermont state offers a lump sum towards relocation costs and a New Remote Worker Grant for those working from home or a co-working space.

In addition, cash incentives are available from Croatia, Greece, Spain and Switzerland.

“Relocating to a new country is exciting,” says Louise Chilcott of BTR International. “More rural locations are now a realistic possibility for some assignees. Our global network of partners enables us to manage relocations to any location worldwide. It’s exciting to help people start the completely new lifestyle they’re looking for from their new opportunity.”

Do you manage workforce mobility for your organisation?

Have you noticed a change in assignees’ requirements regarding destination support services?

Contact the friendly experts at BTR International. We’re here to help.

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