
Mobility Software

We enable your mobility managers to reach out to their international assignees and offer them the best experience possible with BTR International’s online portal ReloSmart.


ReloSmart is an end-to-end mobility management solution with logic around Moving and Destination Services. Specifically, ReloSmart is the software that manages the entire move management process end to end from the first contact to move performance feedback. ReloSmart is a public cloud hosted, GDPR compliant structure that provides web-based access on the client side (transferee, mobility/human resources) as well as on BTR side (user, manager, administrator) with pre-defined rights.

In-House Technology

This software has been developed in-house based on 20 years of domain experience and is managed (updates, upgrades, change requests) by over 50 in house IT professionals.

ReloSmart software is a complete suite for the Relocation Industry that combines transferee, client human resources, client functions and supplier into one seamless experience for your company. We’ve incorporated flexibility into the system. The result is that it recognises and follows your company rules for relocation. You get to configure the system as per your rules and policies which assists with reducing administrative tasks and reporting.

The platform deftly handles the complete lifecycle of your employee moves. This helps to get a fully hosted, secure relocation platform, which complies with your company policies, country laws, audit reports, and more.

Features of our technology platform include...

  • Integrated workflow based end-to-end business process automation suite
  • Complete Move Management ERP software with modular architecture from Enquiry to Billing
  • Robust reporting platform, secured and controlled privilege management
  • Business Intelligence Tool to monitor business KPI’s in real-time
  • Potential Integration into Client Enterprise Systems
  • Mobility solutions (Survey and Ops module on the handheld)
  • BSI certified IT Security Systems
  • Value calculators to showcase projected and actual cost savings

Request a demo

Please fill in the form below to request a demo of our mobility software.