Malta: Career, Lifestyle and Sunshine!

Malta. A tiny Mediterranean island with huge potential for international assignees. Due to its opportunities, charm and work-life balance, Maltas popularity is growing fast, especially amongst professionals. In fact, it has topped polls for job satisfaction when working abroad.


Why should you consider working in Malta? Here are six strong reasons:

1. Affordable Cost of Living

A good standard of healthcare and education are available for free in Malta. (In addition, the rates for private healthcare and education are cost-effective compared with many other rather European countries.)

As Malta is an island, some food needs to be imported which can make it a little more expensive. Most food and utilities are very affordable.

2. Progressive Tax System

Taxation in Malta can be very attractive, especially for International companies.

Malta has a remittance-based tax system for foreigners, with Maltese tax payable on:

  • Income you generate in Malta
  • Capital gains derived in Malta (e.g., on the sale of Maltese property)
  • Income generated abroad that is remit to a Maltese bank account

There is no taxation on wealth, inheritance and many types of investment income that assignees might want to remit abroad.

3. Business Opportunities

Online gaming, finance, corporate services and tourism are big in Malta, and have opened up plenty of opportunities for foreign nationals speaking their native language. (Although Malta is an English-speaking country.) In addition, Malta has a relatively stable environment, with low risk of political or financial instability.

Professionals from other countries are employed in the following sectors:

  • 22% IT and online gaming
  • 16% retail and trade
  • 10% consultancy roles

4. Work-Life Balance

Malta offers a great opportunity for work-life balance. A survey by InterNations Expat Insider places Malta in the top 10  countries to work for a good work-life balance. This is despite having one of the longest working weeks of the top 10 countries; an average of almost 44 hours per week.

5. Lively International and Cultural Community

Malta offers lots of culture and 300 days of sunshine each year. The island’s community is welcoming and vibrant with lots of activities and festivals. Malta is a country of extreme diversity, blending local tradition, foreign influences and a love for life.

6. Gateway to Europe

Malta offers excellent transport links to major European cities. It is just a three-hour flight from London and Athens is only an hour away.

“It’s easy to see why people love working in Malta,” says Sarah Huntridge, Global Move Specialist at BTR International. “We’ve supported a growing number of relocations to the country and work with long-standing partners to ensure that assignees are fully supported in moving and settling in Malta.”

Are you thinking of relocating to Malta?

Do you manage international assignments in Malta for your organisation?

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