The Secret to Spains Success

When assignees are relocating, different locations will appeal in various ways. For some, the quality of life will be important, whereas other people may look for career progression or networking opportunities.


Our recent look into Expat Explorer’s research showed that Spain has rocketed up the ‘living‘ league, rising to third position in the 2021 research. 

With this survey result and a growing number of enquiries about helping assignees relocate to Spain, what is the secret to Spain’s success? Why do so many people want to relocate there?

Spain’s Key Strengths

1. Quality of Life

Spain secured the top spot of 33 countries for quality of life, scoring very highly for work / life balance. It should be noted that the country doesn’t score well for career progression or reaching potential. But – the experience of an international assignment is often viewed very positively on assignees’ CVs.

2. Physical & Mental Wellbeing

This was another winning category for Spain. Expats in Spain report feeling better in both body and mind as a result of living there. They are the most likely out of any country’s expat community to say their mental wellbeing has improved as a result of living there.

3. Welcoming Community

Living in Spain offers a diverse cultural experience. Communities are very welcoming and the country is noted for how easy it is to settle into Spanish living. How quickly assignees make friends and settle into a new culture have a direct impact upon the success of a relocation, for individuals and their organisations. According to research results, Spain’s communities are expert at helping new people to fit in and enjoy living in their new country.

4. Family-Friendly

Spain scores very highly for very highly for learning and schooling, which is great for assignees and their families.

The report summarises the appeal of Spain:

“Those seeking an improvement to their quality of life should look to Spain. Expats report improvements to both physical and mental wellbeing, all while enjoying an incredible climate.

“While Siestas in the workplace may be a thing of the past, later start times and leisurely lunch breaks are common in Spain. Indeed, a more flexible approach to scheduling is typical of the relaxed working environment, something expats have seen a direct impact from as work life balance generally improves for those that move to there.

“While Spain doesn’t receive the same plaudits for career progression and salaries as it does for its relaxed pace of life and scorching summers, expats there are happier, healthier and their aspirations are to live comfortably amongst beautiful surroundings.”

Sarah Huntridge of BTR International says: “Spain’s popularity has definitely increased, with the lifestyle it offers appealing both to assignees and organisations. Individuals and their families usually settle in quickly which directly impacts upon productivity and effectiveness within the work environment.”

Does your organisation operate in Spain?

Perhaps you are thinking of relocating there?

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