Relocate to the Land of the Rising Sun

Japans fascinating culture and beauty offer a unique experience to international assignees.Known for its efficiency and politeness, Japans dynamic business community has much to offer international organisations. Blending safety, culture and innovative technology, Japan has something for everyone.

Relocate to the Land of the Rising Sun

5 Reasons to Relocate to Japan

1. Business Culture

The long working hours and constant quest for improvement mean that Japan may offer a poor work-life balance, ranked last out of 40 countries in the HSBC Expat Survey 2020.  There is, however, the potential to earn a good income with Japan ranking 10th for this factor which helps international assignees as Japan is one of the world’s most expensive countries.

Japan offers good opportunities for business. To seize this potential, consider cultural training as Japan’s business culture is based on strict, unwritten codes of conduct.

2. Economic Stability

Japan is one of the world’s largest economies and a popular location for international companies. Its business environment is formal and conservative. It offers political and economic stability and therefore attracts organisations from overseas.

3. Family Friendly Living

Japan is a country of extremes – fast-moving city life and tranquil rural areas. Steeped in character and tradition, Japan offers a fascinating lifestyle and is known for being family friendly. It was placed 10th out of 40 countries for schooling and offers more than 200 international schools. Most people moving to Japan settle in quite easily.

4. Healthy Lifestyle

The Japanese people have the longest life expectancy in the world! It comes from a powerful combination of healthy cuisine, an active lifestyle and lots of outdoor recreational space such as parks. Most amenities will be in walking distance however if this isn’t the case, Japanese public transport is excellent. Japan is also very clean and proactive about recycling.

5. Welcoming Culture

Foreigners are usually treated as honoured guests by the Japanese. It’s important to understand their customs and behavioural expectations. Locals are delighted if you can offer a few words in Japanese. (It’s a very difficult language to learn!

“Japan is an increasingly popular host country for international relocations,” says Sarah Huntridge of workforce mobility specialists BTR International. “It’s a wonderfully unique location and our partner network means that we can move assignees to or from the country as efficiently and stress-free as possible. This is especially important as moving containers in and out of the APAC area can be challenging at the moment.”

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