Introducing Krish our Assistant Manager Pricing

We are pleased to introduce you to Krishnajith K S, BTR Internationals Assistant Manager Pricing. Krish picked the perfect day in 2019 to start working with BTR his birthday!



As you’d imagine, Krish’s role is very numbers orientated. He is mainly involved with pricing for relocation management projects. He also understands the industry well and prices for various business requirements.

Krish especially enjoys the strategic element of his work. “I’m involved with preparing the figures to help BTR bid for contracts,” he says. “I have the freedom to implement new ideas and innovate our pricing models and I enjoy this opportunity. Due to the global nature of our business, I work with people from different countries and particularly like this aspect of my work.”

The opportunity to help grow BTR as a business is valuable to Krish. “When I joined, I was the only person working on pricing. Since then, the company and my team have grown. I feel this has helped my professional development too,” explains Krish. “Our work culture is very supportive which boosts my confidence. Our management team is very approachable, with an ‘open door’ policy.”

Lee Brewin, BTR’s CEO says: “Krish is a valuable member of our team. His work ensures we are as competitive and cost effective as possible when bidding for new projects. He is consistently proactive and thorough, plus forward thinking with ideas to further develop our pricing approach.”