Intrigued About Italy?

Italy truly offers something for everyone. Whether you love history, culture, good cuisine or a passion for la dolce vita (the good life) Italy has it all.


Last year’s Expat Explorer survey highlighted the reality of relocating to Italy. In a league table of 33 countries, Italy gained an overall position of 28 following expats’ feedback. Whilst Italy’s overall result was in the lowest quarter of the table, there were some notable strengths that showcased Italy at its best.

3 Insights Into Living in Italy

  • Quality of Life – overall rank 29 out of 33 countries

Community was Italy’s strength within this category, achieving 21st position. Italian communities score well for being cultural, open and welcoming. The quality of life available within Italy also featured well (ranked 23rd). The country scored poorly for physical and mental wellbeing (32nd) and political stability (29th) which are key aspects for explorers and assignees alike. Importantly, Italy scored relatively well for ease of settling in (23rd), which is good for international assignees to know.

  • Aspiring – overall rank of 33 and our 33 countries

Work / Life balance (23rd) income – both disposable (23rd) and in general (24th) – were redeeming features for Italy, but not enough to stop the country from being placed lowest in the survey of 33 countries. Poorly placed elements were: reaching potential (33rd), career progression (32nd) and economic stability (32nd). These are important features for assignees to consider when considering a career move to Italy.

  • Family – overall rank of 11 out of 33 countries

The way that the Italian culture embraces family and welcomes children into communities are the jewels in the country’s crown. Education ranks an impressive 10th in the HSBC survey, followed by making friends (14th) and learning (19th).

The quality of life, sense of community, lifestyle and family-friendly culture make Italy a welcoming place to enjoy a good work / life balance. It’s also a great location for assignees intending to relocate with their families.

Sarah Huntridge of BTR International says: “Italy is definitely appealing to assignees. Individuals and their families usually settle in quickly which directly impacts upon productivity and effectiveness within the work environment.”

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