5 Tips for Relocating With Your Pet

During lockdown, many people acquired pets as a way to combat isolation and with some animals to increase exercise. In fact, in the UK alone 3.2 million households have bought pets since March 2020. Thats an increase of 23% in pet ownership.

Pet Relocation

74% of new pet owners have said that their pet has helped their mental health whilst coping with the pandemic. There are repercussions involved with increased pet ownership. Tesco has confirmed that it has seen a large demand for pet products. The leading supermarket has seen a growth in pet food sales over the past year but is understood to be working with suppliers to meet customer need, particularly with branded pouches which are experiencing strong demand.

This trend has also had an impact upon global relocations…

At BTR International we recognise that your pet is an important family member and will move them to your host location with the utmost care and attention. We anticipate that the increase in pet ownership will see a greater demand for including pets within assignees’ global relocation packages. We’re ready to help!

5 Tips for Hassle-Free Pet Relocation

1. Know the Requirements

Each country has its own legislation regarding the movement of live animals across its borders. Your BTR global workforce mobility specialist will advise you of the requirements of your host location. Some breeds of dogs and cats can’t enter certain countries, and policies regarding rabies vary greatly, for example.

2. Medical Checks for Pets

It’s important to ensure that your pet has all the relevant checks, especially as this can impact upon quarantine requirements in your new country. In most cases, pets need to be microchipped and have an up-to-date rabies injection. Most countries give newly arrived pets a veterinary exam.

3. Necessary Paperwork

Upon passing a health assessment, your pet is issued with a health certificate – or – in the case of inter-EU travel for dogs, cats and ferrets – a pet passport. Post-Brexit, pet passports are no longer valid for UK-based pets. Instead, you’ll need an animal health certificate.

4. Travel in Style

The experts at BTR will ensure that your pet receives a comfortable travel experience. Each animal must have its own travel crate and our team ensures that the size of the crate is appropriate for the size and safety of your pet.

5. Settling In

Should your pet need to be quarantined upon arrival in your destination, our team will make the necessary arrangements ensuring that your pet is treated with care. Part of our destination services can include providing details of local vets, boarding services and local parks (for walking dogs) for example.

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